Wednesday, December 26, 2007

New Year


1. We called for an appointment with a guy at our bank who will help us plan a budget.  We know there must be a better way than either my way (dont think about money - things will probably work out), and J's way (worry about money all the time - any minute we will lose everything).  We are hoping this guy will help us start finding some middle ground.

2. I found out that there is a Weight Watchers meeting nearby and at a time I can go to it.  Because gaining a few pounds a year is ok for a few years, but it is just not sustainable in the long run. 

3. Made an appointment with a chiropractor.  (Did you know about my chiropractophobia?  And how when I overcome it, I feel much better?  But how overcoming it is kind of challenging? Now you do.)

4. Took down the Christmas tree and all the decorations on the day I wanted to do it.

It's a kind of discipline for me to even write a list like this  -- one that has on it the little steps I'm taking toward big changes that need to happen (slowly) in my life. And I'm tempted now to add something self-deprecating about the sink full of dirty dishes (it really is full of dirty dishes.  And as it's almost midnight, I think I'm probably just not going to get to them tonight). The new year is so often about resolutions that dont get resolved, about brave first steps taken without any follow thru, that it's hard to even claim the little steps that do get taken.  I've been encouraging the folks at church to remember that God loves the process as much as the outcome, and smiles with joy at our attempts, whether they lead to success or not.  I try to remember it for myself, too.   As J says, "well, we have to start SOMEWHERE."  So, here's to new years coming, and starting somewhere.

Hope your Christmas was delicious. 


Kathryn said...

Oh Juniper - I so smiled at your financial issues! I hope that doesn't sound unkind - it's just that I do both approaches, see sawing from one to the other and driving meticulous, never a figure out of place husband completely bananas. NOT that his approach has made us more balanced, I have to say..
Lots of good wishes heading your way as you contemplate all these steps.
(Oh...and a huge and enthusiastic recommendation for McTimoney chiropractors, if there are any in your so doesn't hurt that I've been known to fall asleep on the table but it works!!)
Hugs x

Ted Marshall said...

Wishing you onward and upward in keeping on taking those little steps to a new life.
You might want to try the blog Zen Habits ( where there are loads of great ideas and on the forum he runs, readers start a new positive habit on the first of every month. Not trying to do too much at once and then giving up (which has always been my problem in the past).
Good luck!

Magdalene6127 said...

I should do every thing on your list.

Unknown said...

Juniper, yay for choosing WW! Let me know if I can do anything at all to be supportive!

Sue said...

Good list. A Happy New Year to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.