Today was so. not.
Although, a walk after dark with your wee son and his mighty light saber, so he can lay out his trick or treating route in a new neighborhood is a pretty sweet way to end a hard day.

I got some new boots, too, with the last of the goodbye money from my old church.
And I'm not all Rev. Domintr*x either, like I worried I might be, what with the laces and everything.
Although, after today, I'm thinking maybe that wouldnt be such a bad thing.
you have got a witness in me, J. last tuesday i was counting my blessings... by friday i was downright giddy with gratitude- this tuesday i felt like i'd been hit by a truck-- and sunday and monday were rough too.
ah the highs and lows.
are those the boots? wow.
my nickname in a card game we play with some parishioners/friends is Pastore Retroceso Del Tope. that was my computer's translator came up with when I did a search for Pastor Kick Butt in Spanish- in honor of Cinco de Mayo (sp? can you tell i studied French for six years, and not a minute of Spanish). Anywho... wanna share the nick name? With boots like that you can kick some serious butt.
:-) on the boots, but :-( on the need to use them to, well, command, so to speak.
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