Saturday, January 02, 2010

Sunday Night Random

1. Somewhere out in the blogosphere, I read something about choosing a word for the year instead of making resolutions. Wanna try that? I have been thinking of the right word and have settled on NOURISHED.
Yes that is in the past tense. So that I'll remember that I have ALREADY been fed (physical, spiritual, psycholgical) and I dont have to worry about gettingenoughbeforeotherpeoplegetit.

2. Still sitting around with my leg in the air. I am going back to work tomorrow, though, so I guess I'll have to get back on it. After visits to 3 docs, still dont know whats wrong with the knee. Hope to get an MRI this week.

3. I swear, I didnt know any of this was going to happen when I scheduled A Service of Healing with Annointing With Oil and Remembrance of Baptism for next week. I guess we do make the church we need, even when we dont mean too.

4. My son, the 7 year old, is being the most awesome trooper through all this, btw. Since he has the only working legs in the house at the moment, he's doing quite a lot of fetching and carrying - mostly without complaint. DH isnt complaining either, even though I'm quite sure I've been a total drag this week. I have a pretty great family.

5. Saw Avatar in 3D. The writing was pretty terrible, but loved the visual world. Totally worth it to see it. And, a few touching wheelchair guy moments, so liked that too. Also, have watched ALOT of TV and read a couple of detective novels. So, a relaxing vacation, if you are into that sort of thing. Me, I'd rather be painting the back bathroom, you know.

6. That 2 week kitchen remodel that started in October? Should be finishing up tomorrow. No really, they mean it this time. Just loving our new house, though, so not feeling too cranky about that.

7. Really looking forward to going back to work (see number 5) - we have a really cool project coming up I will tell you more about when it gets more solid. I think I have to say no to the other potentially really cool project, though. So hard to only be one person.

8. RE #7 No, I havent forgotten my word already (see #1). Just speaking the truth.


Sue said...

Sorry about the knee and I hope the MRI happens McSoon.

Mary Beth said...

Just another note to say I love the word.

Common Household Mom said...

Seems to me that lounging around is really only enjoyable if you COULD get up and do something but have the choice not to. Too bad about your knee - hope it feels better.