Monday, November 14, 2005

Report to your Blog Station

If you don't read Janell's blog, check it out. She's pretty great. And so when she asks a simple thing, like "can you show me a picture of where you blog?" I want to do it, if only to compare our yellow walls. Yellow walls! Isn't that what you always wanted? And now that you're a grown-up, you can have them!

When I blog from here at my desk, I look at my favorite pictures of Jesus, instead of out a window, which I've found is no good at all for my eyes. (There's something very, very wrong with the grammar of that last sentence, but you know what I mean, right?)

I'm trying not apologize about the piles of papers and dirty dishes. The rest of my house is not spotless, for sure, but it looks a lot better than this. A blog post for another day is why my office and the top of my dresser are always the last things I manage to get to, even though I AM a feminist (and an excedingly lucky one) with A Room of Her Own. And that entry will go on to explore the idea that once you get your room, it turns out that you still have to really claim it by helping it become a place you love to be. And in order to do that, you have to priortize making it neater sometimes.

Ok, enough explaining. Just here it is.

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